Collaborative paper with the Kreeger Lab is out in APL Bioengineering. BME graduate student Harris Krause pushed this over the finish line despite COVID and all the other challenges 2020 threw his way. In this …
Congrats to Neydis on her first first-author paper!
Neydis’ first first-author paper is out today in mSphere! Neydis developed optogenetic control of cell-to-cell cooperative interactions in communities of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Megan is tenured!
Happy to announce that Megan’s tenure is finalized! She is officially an Associate Professor!
Kevin earns a WARF Accelerator Microbiome Challenge Grant!
Congrats to Kevin for earning a WARF Accelerator Microbiome Challenge Grant for his project entitled “A smart probiotic for programming fungal members of the microbiome”. Looking forward to developing this cool technology!
National Science Foundation GRFP Awardees from the McClean Lab!
Excited to announce that the McClean Lab applicants were very successful with their applications to the NSF GRFP! Undergraduate Laura Guerrero was awarded a fellowship, graduate student Zack Harmer won an Honorable Mention and research …
The McClean lab receives a joint R01 with the Beebe lab!
The Beebe and McClean labs have received a joint R01 entitled “Under-oil open microfluidic system (UOMS) for studying systemic fungal infection”. This grant will fund technology development to better understand the process of dispersion from …
Megan receives an NSF CAREER award!
Megan and the research group received an NSF CAREER award entitled “Synthetic approaches to unravel heterogeneous decision-making in individual microbes and populations”. This award will fund research in the McClean lab for the next five …
Nice UW Madison article on Bhuvana and Megan’s work bridging biology and electronics for hybrid biosensing!
Article is available here
Megan and Bhuvana’s paper entitled “Shining light on molecular communication” accepted to ACM Nanocomm
A paper written by Megan McClean and Bhuvana Krishnaswamy has been accepted in the Proceedings of the Seventh Annual ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computer and Communication. Congratulations!
The McClean lab receives an NIH equipment supplement to do high-throughput optogenetics!
Thanks to a $240,329 equipment supplement from NIGMS the McClean Lab will be able to develop and acquire equipment for high-throughput optogenetics. Congratulations all!
Alex, Emily, Jehad and Jack’s paper is out at MethodsX!
A pilot project from the Biomedical Engineering Design course is now published at MethodsX describing a unique microfluidic sampler. Congratulations all!
Paper out at Science Advances!
Our collaboration with the Beebe Lab to develop under-oil microfluidics with applications to studying pathogenic fungal biofilms is now out a Science Advances! Congratulations all!
Megan gave CMBE Young Innovators invited talk at BMES!
Megan received a Cellular and Molecular Biology Young Innovator Award at BMES and gave an invited talk entitled ) “Optogenetic repressors of gene expression in yeasts using light-controlled nuclear localization”
McClean Lab Biophysics students present at the Biophysics Colloquium
Neydis and Kevin presented three-minute thesis presentations at the UW-Madison Biophysics Colloquium. Neydis won best three-minute talk!
Megan selected to be an individual member of EBRC!
Megan was nominated and accepted to be an individual member of the Engineering Biology Research Consortium!
Laura will do summer research at CalTech!
Laura Guerrero recently found out she’ll be heading to CalTech this summer to do research in the Wang lab through the WAVE Fellows Program. Congratulations Laura!
30th Fungal Genetics Conference
The McClean Lab had a great showing at the 30th Fungal Genetics Conference! Stephanie Geller gave a great talk and a poster on her yeast optogenetic tools and Megan gave an invited talked entitled “Single-cell measurement and control …
Taylor and Kieran’s review article is out!
Taylor and Kieran’s review article, titled “Biological signal generators: integrating synthetic biology tools and in silico control” is available ahead of print in Current Opinion in Systems Biology. Congratulations Kieran and Taylor!
Stephanie receives a travel award!
Stephanie received a travel award from the Cellular and Molecular Biology program to give a talk at the 30th Fungal Genetics Conference (coming up in March, 2019). Congratulations Stephanie!
Megan gave an invited talk at the 18th Annual Workshop at Bellairs – Single Cell and Massively Parallel Approaches
Megan escaped the polar vortex in Wisconsin to give an invited talk at the 18th Annual Workshop at Bellairs- Single Cell and Massively Parallel Approaches. Great science in a beautiful location. Check out the all-star …
Neydis wins poster award!
Neydis won the “Best poster presentation for junior student” award at the Annual Biophysics Colloquium on September 28th, 2018. Congratulations Neydis!
Laura was accepted into the SynBREU at Northwestern!
Laura G. recently accepted an offer from the Synthetic Biology Research Experience for Undergraduates (SynBREU) at Northwestern for the Summer of 2018. This REU includes ten weeks of mentored, research-intensive activities in the field of …
Our paper is out in PLoS Biology!
Our collaborative paper entitled “Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals intrinsic and extrinsic regulatory heterogeneity in yeast responding to stress” is out in PLoS Biology. Congrats all!