Neydis Moreno Morales

Credentials: PhD

Position title: Postdoctoral researcher


About Me:

I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology at University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2016. I worked in Dr. Forest’s structural microbiology lab studying bacteriophytochrome from the desert bacteria Ramlibacter tataouinensis. This work inspired my interest both in the engineering applications of light sensing proteins as well as the fascinating world of microbes. Fall of 2016 I began my doctoral studies in the Biophysics program at UW-Madison and joined the McClean lab to pursue my research interests in optogenetics, microbial ecology, and synthetic biology.

Research Interests:

I enjoy learning about the fascinating ways that microorganisms interact amongst themselves and neighboring species and the way they interact and shape their environments. Synthetic biology provides a useful way to control these interactions in order to better understand the organizational rules of microbial communities. I’m interested in understanding what factors drive self-assembly and patterning in microbial communities using a popular model of public goods in a community of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 


Optogenetic Tools for Control of Public Goods in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Moreno Morales N, Patel MT, Stewart CJ, Sweeney K, McClean MN. mSphere. 2021;6(4):e0058121. doi:10.1128/mSphere.00581-21

Secrete to beat the heat. Lauterjung, K.R., Morales, N.M. & McClean, M.N.  Nat Microbiol 5, 883–884 (2020).

Easy calibration of the Light Plate Apparatus for optogenetic experiments, Sweeney K, Moreno Morales N, and McClean MN. MethodsX. 10.1016/j.mex.2019.06.008, 2019.

Engineered Bacteria Self-organize to Sense Pressure, Moreno Morales, N and McClean, MN. Nat Biotech DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3992, 2017. 

Folic Acid Modulates Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Expression, Alleviates Neuropathic pain, and Improves Functional Recovery in Spinal cord-injured Rats. Miranpuri GS, Meethal SV, Sampene E, Chopra A, Buttar S, Nacht C, Moreno N, Patel K, Liu L, Singh A, Singh CK, Hariharan N, Iskandar B, Resnick DK, Ann Neurosci DOI: 10.1159/000475896, 2017.

Arm-in-arm response regulator dimers promote intermolecular signal transduction, Baker AW, Satyshur, KA, Moreno Morales N, and Forest, KT. J Bacteriol 198:1218-1229, 2016.